poniedziałek, grudnia 29, 2014

Złożyłem do druku w IJME końcową wersję:

...pewnie ukaże się za miesiąc lub cztery miesiące. 

"The Track Record of Political Economy in Poland 1949 – 1989: Introduction. 
The article attempts to assess scientific achievements of Polish economists working in the country in years 1949−1989 confronting, among others, domestic and foreign opinions.  
Generally, Polish economists working at that time in Poland input into the universal economics is negligible. It consists of relatively small number of works of such authors as e.g. Włodzimierz Brus, Michał Kalecki,  Oskar Lange and members of the so-called “Wakar School” (hereinafter referred as “Wakarowcy”). These works were usually of local importance only, as evidenced by almost total lack of reference to them in the world economic literature after 1990.
The assessment of performance of Polish economists in 1949–1989 proves even more critical, having considered not only their successes but also their sins. Indeed, diverging from the ideals of science, for decades Polish economists have indoctrinated the society, perpetuating the totalitarian system in Poland."